Options Screen

The Options Screen (General Tab) is used to set your personal preferences. The settings are saved into the database when you press the OK button.
Auto Log In - Sets your status to IN when WHOS-IN starts. If you also have the Auto Clear Comments option checked, then your DueBack and Comments information will also be erased without your intervention.
Auto Log Out - Sets your status to OUT when WHOS-IN is shut down. NOTE: If you are going away on vacation and using a 'Vacation' status (or similar), you should switch this option OFF first, otherwise it will over-ride the Vacation Status, and mark you as OUT.
Auto Clear Comments  - Erases your DueBack and Comments information when either you, or someone else, sets your status to IN.
Display ListView items as pop-up ToolTips - If this option is enabled, the contents of each 'cell' in the ListView is displayed as a ToolTip as the mouse pointer moves over each item. This is handy when the columns are narrow, or the contents of a cell are too long to be displayed on screen - indicated by an ellipsis (…).
Display Change Status Screen when selecting the ToolBar OUT button - Enabling this option will force the Change Screen to appear when pressing the Out button (if no user name is highlighted) or the Group Change Screen (if one or more user names are selected on the Main Screen). This has been included as an option to help prevent people leaving the office without letting people know where they are, and when they are due back.
Display Groups in TreeView format - This is the new default display view. If it is switched OFF, then Groups will be displayed in the TAB VIEW (across the top of the Status Column Area).

Refresh Rate - This controls how often WHOS-IN scans the server (looking for updates). The 'timer' is started whenever you return to the Main Screen from one of the other screens, hit the Refresh Button, or restore the screen to normal size from the Windows TaskBar. (A 'refresh' is automatically performed whenever any one of the above tasks is performed - which resets the timer.)
NOTE: A countdown timer to the next auto-refresh is displayed on the lower right hand corner of the main screen (Status Bar).

System Tray / Task Bar - This section controls how WHOS-IN behaves when it is Minimized.
Auto Minimize - Sends WHOS-IN to the Windows TaskBar (or SysTray) whenever you change your status. This in turn displays whatever application was 'behind' WHOS-IN at the time.

Task Bar & System Tray examples. (May look different with your version of Windows)

ToolBar settings allow you to switch between Large & Small Icons, and also display or remove the Text Labels under each icon.
We have used as many Windows 'standard' buttons as possible so most of the functions will already be familiar to you.   Once you feel you have come to terms with the unique WHOS-IN buttons (such as the WYWO button), you can save screen space by switching off the Text Labels, and setting the icon size to Small.
ToolBar settings are saved automatically when you press the REFRESH BUTTON or shut down WHOS-IN.